Over the last few years, anti-gambling campaigners have been trying to bring more attention to gambling addiction, describing it as a serious medical condition that could not only have a negative impact on players’ finances but also on their families and even drive compulsive gamblers to suicide.
As Casino Guardian reported earlier in November, the Gambling Related Harm All-Party Parliamentary Group urged the local gambling regulators and the Government to make sure the same betting limits that have been imposed on land-based fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) must be introduced on online slot games, as well. The recommendation has been made as part of the group’s interim report into the gambling sector which has been compiled after a 6-month inquiry into the negative impact that the online gambling industry has had on local people.
The inquiry, on its turn, had been rolled out as a result of some Members of Parliament’s growing concern with the high levels of harm which online gambling services cause not only to British gamblers but also to their families and even to entire communities. As the all-party parliamentary group shared at the time, the lack of action from the UK Government and the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) so that the online gambling-related harm is addressed properly fuelled much concern.
On the other hand, the lack of action of the UKGC and the Government has been pointed as one of the factors which provided the industry with the chance to continuously take advantage of the most vulnerable members of society.
Same Betting Limits Must Be Applicable Both to Land-Based and Online Gambling Services
Apart from that, the report issued by the All-Party Parliamentary Group also emphasised on the larger differences in content controls and stake and deposit limits which currently exist between land-based and online games. Considering the fact that the UK Government has accepted that the planned reduction of betting stakes could help it reduce gambling-related harm, too, such betting limits could be also imposed on online gambling services.
According to the members of the cross-party group, the fact that smaller staking levels are not imposed on online gambling services is not justified.
As mentioned above, the harm that has been inflicted on British players by gambling has been one of the most serious concerns of the group. As Carolyn Harris MP, the group’s chair, highlighted, the report provided by the all-party group emphasises on the urgent need for a more in-depth review of the online gambling regulation in the UK.
As Ms Harris explained, an appropriate and consistent regulation must be imposed on all forms of gambling. That is why she also urged the British Government to initiate an urgent review of the provision of gambling awareness services in the sector, including research, education and treatment of gambling-related harm.
- Author
Daniel Williams